asian values, international excellence

Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Friends of the School,

It gives me great pleasure to welcome all of you to Sri KL International Secondary School. Thank you for choosing and trusting Sri Kuala Lumpur.

I feel humbled and honoured to lead such an established educational institution which offers so many opportunities for young people to develop themselves.

Here at Sri KL, we are proud of our caring, inclusive ethos but at the same time we set high standards and expectations for our students to fulfil their academic potential and behave at their best.

It’s our objective to develop students with a sense of belonging who feel happy and confident while in school. Towards this end, the various facilities that the school provides, coupled with a dedicated and committed staff faculty, enable us to deliver a diverse academic and co-curricular programme in a safe and conducive environment that promotes a holistic approach to education.

As such, it is our aim to produce all-round students who are not only academically excellent but who are active in sports and games, possess organisational and leadership skills, and more importantly the soft skills that modern society requires. Not least of these unseen skills is empathy coupled with a sense of morality and civic consciousness.

Dear friends, the quest for excellence does not come easy. It requires the co-operation and the combined will of all stakeholders to achieve our aims. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, the parents, for your unwavering support and also to thank your children for their spirit and engagement in everything Sri KL.

The future is now and I sincerely hope you will share that future with us.

Tan Sun Seng
Sri KL International Secondary School